From 1 February 2024, Bury Council is responsible for managing and maintaining all council homes previously supported by Six Town Housing.
Please use this website and other contact points as usual. Further information is also available on the council’s website.
Find out more here: Six Town Housing Update


We carry out a planned programme of improvements with Bury Council's approval each year once a budget has been authorised. We use an asset management tool, as well as repairs histories, Wednesday Walkabouts and other sources of information to help us plan a programme.

Did you know that we have invested almost £4.2m on the Chesham Estate over the last five years? This investment helps to keep homes energy efficient, modern, safe and secure.*

We do not carry out ad hoc individual property improvements unless a technical survey has been carried out and that survey identifies there is a health and safety issue. Repairs will be carried out until the property is on a planned programme. We cannot give individual information about whether or not you are on future programmes until they have been authorised.

Bathroom refurbishments

Please note, that we cannot fit disabled adaptations to your bathroom unless you have an assessed need.

If you are having bathing difficulties and feel you would benefit from having adaptations to the bathroom - for example, a level access shower instead of a bath - then you must have an assessment carried out by an Occupational Therapist. You will need to contact Disability Services by telephone on 0161 253 5151. They will carry out an initial assessment by telephone and advise you of the next steps in regard to their assessment.

We will omit the refurbishment of the bathroom until you have had an assessment carried out and we have received a referral from the Occupational Therapist to tell us what they recommend will meet your need. 

Once we have that referral, if the scheme is still on site, your bathroom will be added back into the scheme. If not, then the bathroom adaptations will be carried out by our Repairs Direct New Works team as a disabled facilities adaptation.  

Capital Improvement Programme

The addresses of the properties where this work will be carried out have been identified and Six Town Housing will be writing to all those tenants in this capital works programme, as well as their project team making a personal visit before works start on site.

Each project has a named Project Advisor from Six Town Housing, as well as a dedicated Tenant Liaison Officer who will be based on the estate for the duration of each project. Our Contact Centre will have the address lists for each year's programme and so can advise whether or not a particular property is included in the scheme for the year.

We appreciate that you may be disappointed that you are not included in the improvement programme this year. Please remember to contact Repairs Direct to report any repairs. The history of repairs that we collect is one of the tools we use to plan future improvement works.

  A tenant  in a brand new kitchen installed as part of Six Town Housing's capital works programme

The address lists and work content can be subject to change once Six Town Housing has undertaken the pre-commencement visits. Similarly, the future year's programme can be subject to change, therefore we do not write to tenants of properties identified for future years of the programme until the start of each financial year.

View an online tenant's handbook with information about how work takes place here.

In the following video, two tenants talk about their new kitchens and the process of having them fitted.

Please remember to seek our permission to carry out any work to our properties.

You can find out more about the service you can expect to receive from us when we carry out improvements to your home here.

*The figure from end of 2021