From 1 February 2024, Bury Council is responsible for managing and maintaining all council homes previously supported by Six Town Housing.
Please use this website and other contact points as usual. Further information is also available on the council’s website.
Find out more here: Six Town Housing Update

Claim companies are targeting our neighbourhoods for business. We want you to be aware of these companies, how such claims might affect us and how they might also affect you.

Who are they?

• Disrepair claim companies represent claim handlers or solicitors, who aim to make money out of your home.

• They may tell you that your home has been neglected or is in poor condition and encourage you to put a legal claim in against us as your landlord.

The risks of making a claim

• Some companies may put you at financial risk by charging fees. Please be careful before you commit to any agreements and read any documents carefully.
• They may start claims without your permission.
• Cases take up a lot of time and can generate court fees for tenants.

What to expect if you claim for disrepair

• A surveyor will visit your home and carry out a disrepair survey to highlight what repairs need to be carried out.

• The surveyor will also check if we need to charge you for any property damage caused during your tenancy. If your home has not been kept in good condition you may be in breach of your tenancy agreement.

Before any disrepair claim can be made, you must have reported your repair

You need to have allowed us reasonable time to carry out the repairs before making a claim for ‘disrepair’. We provide a repairs service that is available 365 days a year and have a number of quick and easy ways you can report repairs to us.

Alternatives to legal action

Six Town Housing has a very good track record of defending these cases, but this still takes up time and means we have less to spend on your home and other homes in your area. We would prefer to work with tenants to find a resolution wherever possible. However, if you are not satisfied there are a number of things you can do without costly court proceedings.

These include:

• Our informal and formal complaints procedures are free to use and readily available.
• Our independent Tenants Panel, which is recognised by the Housing Ombudsman, will look at your concerns should the complaints procedure not resolve the matter.
• Should the complaints procedure not resolve the matter you can contact the Housing Ombudsman or your Local MP or Councillor.

The repairs will still be carried out and you may be entitled to compensation for any damage to your personal belongings.


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